In a tragic late-night incident on Saturday, a devastating fire erupted at the iconic National Arts Theatre in Iganmu, Lagos State. The blaze, ignited by a gas explosion, claimed the lives of at least four cows, three goats, and an office building owned by the National Council of Arts and Culture.
Amodu Shakiru, Head of the Public Education Unit at the Lagos State Fire and Rescue Service, revealed details of the calamity in a telephone conversation with journalists on Sunday. The fire reportedly originated from a gas cylinder explosion within one of the offices on the theatre premises.
Shakiru emphasized, “The cause of the fire was a gas explosion. About four 50kgs of gas cylinders were stored in one of the offices.” Tragically, four cows and three goats were recovered, suspected dead. Additionally, an office building affiliated with the National Council of Arts and Culture, situated opposite the artists’ village, succumbed to the flames.
Firefighters swiftly contained the inferno, preventing further casualties. Shakiru warned against storing gas facilities inside homes, stressing its volatility. He urged residents to secure necessary approvals from the fire service when storing gas in large quantities.
This incident marks the third fire reported in the last seven days in Lagos State, following similar events at a filling station in Badagry and a market in Ikotun. The city grapples with a concerning pattern of fire-related emergencies, prompting heightened awareness regarding fire safety measures.